
Wich Cell Structure Is Found In Plant Cells But Not In Animal Cells?


Plant cells are the basic unit of measurement of life in organisms of the kingdom Plantae. They are eukaryotic cells, which accept a true nucleus forth with specialized structures chosen organelles that carry out dissimilar functions. Plant cells have special organelles called chloroplasts, which create sugars via photosynthesis. They as well accept a prison cell wall that provides structural support.

Plant Cell
3D model of a plant cell

Overview of Plant Cells

Animals, fungi, and protists are made of at to the lowest degree one eukaryotic cell. In contrast, bacteria and archaea are made up of a single prokaryotic cell. Plant cells are differentiated from the cells of other organisms by their prison cell walls, chloroplasts, and central vacuole.

Chloroplasts are organelles that are crucial for constitute cell role. These are the structures that carry out photosynthesis, using the free energy from the sun to produce glucose. In doing and so, the cells use carbon dioxide, and they release oxygen.

Other organisms, such as animals, rely on this oxygen and glucose to survive. Plants are considered autotrophic because they produce their own food and do not take to eat any other organisms. Specifically, plant cells are photoautotrophic because they use calorie-free energy from the sun to produce glucose. Organisms that eat plants and other animals are considered heterotrophic.

The other components of a constitute cell, the cell wall, and central vacuole, piece of work together to give the jail cell rigidity. The constitute cell will store h2o in the central vacuole, which expands the vacuole into the sides of the cell. The cell wall then pushes against the walls of other cells, creating a strength known every bit turgor pressure. While animals rely on a skeleton for structure, turgor pressure in plant cells allows plants to grow alpine and reach more than sunlight.

Plant Cells vs. Animal Cells

Plant and animal cells are both eukaryotic cells, pregnant they possess a defined nucleus and membrane-leap organelles. They share many common features, such as a cell membrane, nucleus, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, and more than.

Nonetheless, they take some apparent differences. Firstly, establish cells have a cell wall that surrounds the cell membrane, whereas animal cells practice not. Plant cells likewise possess two organelles that beast cells lack: chloroplasts and a large fundamental vacuole.

These additional organelles allow plants to grade an upright construction without the demand for a skeleton (jail cell wall and cardinal vacuole), and as well let them to produce their own food through photosynthesis (chloroplasts).

Parts of a Institute Cell

Plant cell diagram
A diagram of a plant jail cell with the organelles labeled

The constitute cell has many different features that allow it to carry out its functions. Each of these structures, called organelles, behave out a specialized role.

Animal and establish cells share many common organelles, which you can find out more about by visiting the "Animal Cell" article. Nonetheless, there are some specialized structures in found cells, including chloroplasts, a large vacuole, and the jail cell wall.


Chloroplasts are specialized organelles found only in plants and some types of algae. These organelles carry out the procedure of photosynthesis, which turns h2o, carbon dioxide, and calorie-free energy into nutrients from which the plant can obtain energy. There can be over one hundred chloroplasts in sure establish cells.

Chloroplasts are disk-shaped organelles that are surrounded past a double membrane. The outer membrane forms the external surface of the chloroplast and is relatively permeable to small molecules, allowing substances entry into the organelle. The inner membrane lies simply beneath the outer membrane and is less permeable to external substances.

Between the outer and inner membrane is a sparse intermembrane space that is about 10-twenty nanometers wide. The center of the chloroplast that is enclosed by the double membrane is a fluid matrix called the stroma (you can think of this similar the cytoplasm of the chloroplast).

Within the stroma, at that place are many structures called thylakoids, which await like flattened disks. Thylakoids are stacked on top of one another in vascular plants in stacks chosen grand. Thylakoids have a high concentration of chlorophyll and carotenoids, which are pigments that capture light free energy from the sun. The molecule chlorophyll is also what gives plants their green color.

Structure of a chloroplast
Labeled diagram of a chloroplast


Plant cells are unique in that they have a large key vacuole. A vacuole is a small sphere of plasma membrane within the cell that tin comprise fluid, ions, and other molecules. Vacuoles are substantially but big vesicles. They can be found in the cells of many different organisms. All the same, plant cells characteristically take a large vacuole that tin can take up anywhere from thirty% to as much as 90% of the full cell volume.

The central vacuole of a plant cell helps maintain its turgor pressure, which is the force per unit area of the contents of the jail cell pushing against the cell wall. A institute thrives best when its cells have high turgidity, and this occurs when the primal vacuole is full of water. If turgor pressure level in the plants decreases, the plants begin to wilt. Plant cells fare best in hypotonic solutions, where in that location is more water in the environment than in the cell. Under these weather, water rushes into the cell by osmosis, and turgidity is loftier.

Brute cells, in comparison, tin can lyse if too much water rushes in; they fare better in isotonic solutions, where the concentration of solutes in the jail cell and in the environment is equal, and the net movement of water in and out of the cell is the same.

Many animal cells as well accept vacuoles, just these are much smaller and tend to play a less crucial function.

Prison cell Wall

The cell wall is a tough layer found on the outside of the plant prison cell that gives it strength and besides maintains high turgidity. In plants, the cell wall contains mainly cellulose, along with other molecules like hemicellulose, pectin, and lignins. The limerick of the found cell wall differentiates it from the prison cell walls of other organisms.

For example, fungi jail cell walls contain chitin, and bacterial jail cell walls incorporate peptidoglycan. These substances are non establish in plants. Chiefly, the main difference between plant and animal cells is that plant cells have a cell wall, while animal cells do not.

Plant cells have a master jail cell wall, which is a flexible layer formed on the exterior of a growing plant cell. Plants tin likewise accept a secondary prison cell wall, a tough, thick layer formed inside the primary plant cell wall when the cell is mature.

Other Organelles

Found cells have many other organelles that are essentially the same every bit organelles in other types of eukaryotic cells, such as creature cells.

  • The nucleus contains deoxyribonucleic acid (Deoxyribonucleic acid), the jail cell's genetic fabric. Deoxyribonucleic acid contains instructions for making proteins, which controls all of the body's activities. The nucleus besides regulates the growth and division of the cell.
  • Proteins are synthesized in ribosomes, modified in the endoplasmic reticulum, and folded, sorted, and packaged into vesicles in the Golgi apparatus.
  • Mitochondria are also institute in plant cells. They produce ATP through cellular respiration. Photosynthesis in the chloroplasts provides the nutrients that mitochondria break downwards for use in cellular respiration. Interestingly, both chloroplasts and mitochondria are thought to have formed from bacteria beingness engulfed by other cells in an endosymbiotic (mutually beneficial) relationship, and they did so independently of each other.
  • The liquid within the cells is the cytosol. Information technology is generally made of water, and also contains ions, proteins, and small molecules. Cytosol and all the organelles within information technology, except for the nucleus, are called the cytoplasm.
  • The cytoskeleton is a network of filaments and tubules institute throughout the cytoplasm of the cell. It has many functions; it gives the cell shape, provides strength, stabilizes tissues, anchors organelles within the cell, and has a role in cell signaling. The cell membrane, a double phospholipid layer, surrounds the entire cell.

Plant Cell Types

At that place are five types of tissue formed by plant cells, each with unlike functions. Parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma are all simple plant tissues, meaning they comprise a single cell type. In contrast, xylem and phloem incorporate a mixture of cell types and are referred to as circuitous tissues.

Plsant tissue types
Plant tissue types form by parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma cells
  • Parenchyma tissue represents the bulk of cells in a found. They are plant in leaves and carry out photosynthesis and cellular respiration, along with other metabolic processes. They too store substances similar starches and proteins and have a role in plant wound repair.
  • Collenchyma tissue provides back up to growing parts of a plant. They are elongated, have thick cell walls, and tin can grow and alter shape as a plant grows.
  • Sclerenchyma tissue contains hard cells that are the main supporting cells in the areas of a plant that take ceased growing. Sclerenchyma cells are expressionless and have very thick cell walls.
  • Xylem cells send more often than not h2o and a few nutrients throughout a plant, from the roots to the stem and leaves.
  • Phloem cells send nutrients made during photosynthesis to all parts of a plant. They transport sap, which is a watery solution loftier in sugars.




  1. Alberts, B., Johnson, A., Lewis, J., et al. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 4th edition. New York: Garland Science (2002). The Constitute Cell Wall. Available from:
  2. Nature Didactics. (2014). Institute Cells, Chloroplasts, Cell Walls | Learn Science at Scitable. Retrieved June 18, 2020, from


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