
Allotment Gardening Calendar For A Year

Garden Advice by Month

This series of monthly guides will help you know what to do now on your plot and what should have been done and is to do.

Monthly Gardening, Fruit & Vegetable Growing Advice

UK Seasonal Variations

 Warmest Area of UK – 2 weeks ahead
 Warmer area – 1 week ahead
 Central Area on which guides based
 Cooler Area – 1 week behind
 Coldest Area – 2 weeks behind (or more)

I'm often asked 'what should I be doing now on the plot and in the garden' which is not as easy to answer as you might think.

The two things that control what you should be doing now in the garden are the weather and your location.

The map to the right gives some idea of how things vary across the UK. I base my advice on the Cheshire / North Staffs area which is fairly central.

South of us can be a week ahead and the warmest south-east of the country two weeks ahead.

On the other hand the areas to the north can be a week or even two behind.

Even then it's not so simple, you could be in a frost pocket or a particularly sheltered warm spot so adjust for your individual micro-climate.

Wherever you live, the weather is the dominant factor. Some years spring comes early and others you wonder if winter will ever end.

Never mind what I say or what the seed packet says, if it's freezing cold then don't start sowing!

This series covers what to do on your vegetable plot, month by month. We're also fortunate to have a monthly guide as to what to do in a polytunnel from an expert author which is listed below.

Don't forget to download the vegetable sowing and harvesting chart. Print it out and stick it on the potting shed wall!

Monthly Vegetable & Fruit Growing Guides

Fruit & Vegetable Growing Guide for January

Fruit & Vegetable Growing Guide for January

January is generally a very cold month with hard frosts freezing the ground although there are no guarantees with British weather. Looking through my diaries, snow isn't that likely for a prolonged period but you never know. Sowing & Planting in...

Fruit & Vegetable Growing Guide for February

Fruit & Vegetable Growing Guide for February

February, being the last of the winter months , often has a sting and ends up being the coldest month. So, more than any other month, this one you need to play according to local conditions. It's best to hold off than try to sow in waterlogged, near frozen...

Fruit & Vegetable Growing Guide for March

Fruit & Vegetable Growing Guide for March

March is the month when things really start to move in the growing season. In fact the start of the year used to be Lady Day, The Feast of the Annunciation, 25th March until 1752 in Britain when we adopted the Gregorian calendar and started our year on...

Fruit & Vegetable Growing Guide for April

Fruit & Vegetable Growing Guide for April

By April spring should be well and truly underway, the soil warming up nicely and everything growing away. Don't be complacent though, it's been known for a cold snap with snow to strike even in the sunny south of England. Keep an eye on the weather forecasts...

Fruit & Vegetable Growing Guide for May

Fruit & Vegetable Growing Guide for May

"A warm January; a cold May ." Welsh Proverb " Ne'er cast a clout till May be out " English Proverb Generally May is one of the busiest months on the vegetable plot. The soil is warm and the plants growing well. But watch out for a sneaky late frost...

Fruit & Vegetable Growing Guide for June

Fruit & Vegetable Growing Guide for June

Flaming June should bring us a hot sunshine filled month with the risk of frost passed and those in more northerly parts should be able to catch up with those in the south. We're also moving towards the longest day, June 21st being the summer solstice...

Fruit & Vegetable Growing Guide for July

Fruit & Vegetable Growing Guide for July

July is usually one of the hottest and driest months so a lot of time may be spent watering. You can reduce water loss and so save yourself some time. Mulching with a layer of organic matter will help preserve moisture but may encourage slugs so you will...

Fruit & Vegetable Growing Guide for August

Fruit & Vegetable Growing Guide for August

August with a little luck brings us the best of the summer weather but being the traditional holiday month it can be hard to keep on top of the vegetable plot with a fortnight away even if a neighbour can be persuaded to water as required Sowing &...

Fruit & Vegetable Growing Guide for September

Fruit & Vegetable Growing Guide for September

September is the end of summer although we're often lucky to have an Indian summer with blue skies and sunshine, nothing is certain with the weather. The bulk of the harvest comes home now and as crops come out the plot begins to empty Sowing &...

Fruit & Vegetable Growing Guide for October

Fruit & Vegetable Growing Guide for October

October is really the last of the hectic months on the vegetable plot. There's little to sow and plant but still a fair amount to harvest and store away to eat through winter. This is the month when the first frosts usually arrive so killing off all but...

Fruit & Vegetable Growing Guide for November

Fruit & Vegetable Growing Guide for November

November is the month when the hard frosts and heavy rain usually arrive so it's important to grab whatever time you can on the plot in case you don't get another chance. Sowing & Planting in November on the Vegetable Plot Now is the time...

Fruit & Vegetable Growing Guide for December

Fruit & Vegetable Growing Guide for December

Predicting winter weather is as hard as predicting summer weather in Britain, which makes it difficult to advise on jobs. We're pretty sure of seeing some hard frosts but those dreaming of a white Christmas are actually more likely to see a white Easter....

Polytunnel Growing Guides

Allotment Gardening Calendar For A Year


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